
> I am transcribing an autograph with an arrangement for a small
> orchestra. There are two transposing instruments: Clarinet in B and
> French horn in F. The piece itself is set in g minor (some parts
> also in g major).
> The original score begins with this picture:
> oboe = \relative c'' { \key g \minor d16 d8. ~ d4 }
> clarinetB = \relative c'' { c16 c8. ~ c4 }
> hornF = \relative c'' { d16 d8. ~ d4 }
> \score { <<
>   \new Staff { \oboe }
>   \new Staff { \clarinetB }
>   \new Staff { \hornF }
> >>
>   \layout {}
>   \midi {}
> }
> besides some other voices. I know the name "Clarinet in B" but

Likely, this should have been "Clarinet in Bb" where the small "b" is for
"flat" (i.e. a clarinet in B flat, where a "c" on the clarinet will sound
as "b flat" in concert pitch).

> honestly I don't know what this means. Which pitches should I get
> from these notes?
> How can I set this with Lilypond so that I can also create a MIDI
> file with correct pitches? I would like to have the MIDI file for
> acoustic error check of my transcription.
> How can I use \transpose and \transposition to get both a nice
> looking PDF output and a useful MIDI file? I assume that the music
> definition will include the \key g \minor for all voices and the
> transpose will change it and removes the flats. But I didn't get it
> in the last hours.

Assuming that "clarinetNotes" contains the notes:
If the part contains the notes in _concert_ pitch, you use the:

     \transposition bes {% make MIDI sound right
       \transpose bes c { % transpose to clarinet notation

If the part contains the notes as transposed for clarinet, you use:

    \transposition bes { % make MIDI sound right
      \transpose bes c { % transpose to clarinet notation
           \transpose c bes { % transpose to concert pitch

and the MIDI will sound OK while the PDF will show the part transposed for
[In the above, "\global" contains e.g. the actual "\key" (i.e. in concert
pitch). For example, if the piece is in G minor, the part for clarinet in Bb
will be written in A minor.]


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