On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 5:49 PM, Janek Warchoł <janek.lilyp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ok.  I think that adding a /small/ donation progress bar in David's
> description wouldn't be a violation of the rules.  But i don't insist.

+1. I've been talking for years about a "donation thermometer" like
they have on Blender's homepage, or a "bounty tracker" like they have
on Haiku's website. There is no debate that lilypond.org shouldn't
ever be commercialized nor "monetized" in any way; however there has
been a "sponsorship" page since the LilyPond-design days, and as long
as it's clean, unintrusive and honest (i.e. not promising something we
can't deliver), it can only be seen as a way for our (numerous enough)
fans to show their appreciation.


PS: ASCII art, way to go!

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