On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 10:50 AM, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
> Janek Warchoł <janek.lilyp...@gmail.com> writes:
>> When the money donated to you will come close to exceeding your needs,
>> we could indeed think about some kind of organised funding.
>> Two simple ideas:
>> - public sponsorship: everyone that donates more than $x is listed on
>> the website
> I doubt that most people would enjoy this sort of competitive angle.  I
> don't want to get to "before I get shown for finishing 10th for a
> substantial contribution, I'd rather not contribute at all".

Ah, i forgot to say: the amount wouldn't be disclosed.
And the names may be put in random order, recalculated when website is
refreshed.  This should ensure that there's no "competitive angle".

But this is all speculations right now.

> I don't think I want to turn this into a competition, and part of the
> reason is that there are a _lot_ who contribute according to their
> personal abilities, with different countries of origin, different
> income, and different personal situation.

Definitely; you are absolutely right in this regard.

>> - paid support: in addition to already great support on -user, we
>> could provide guaranteed support (e.g. within 2-3 days of question)
>> for $x/month - if we find people interested in providing such support,
>> of course.
> No.  It turns out that there is already quite a correlation between
> helpful supporters on the user list and financial contributions to my
> work.  [...]  If we try turning contributors into a money printing machine,
> more likely than not we will kill _both_ the enthusiasm as _well_ as the
> money.

You may be right.

> The distribution of contributions is not even, or fair, or whatever.
> But it can't be while it is voluntary and self-determined, and that is
> the _essence_ of this project.  And I would rather quit LilyPond than
> trying to seriously mess with that.

True, we shouldn't mess with that.

best wishes,

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