On 25/05/12 02:47, Tim Roberts wrote:
Nick Payne wrote:
In the following, to look correctly positioned, the final A in the bar
needs to be moved slightly to the right relative to the notes in the
other voice each side of it.
Boy, that's a tough situation.  Personally, I would not call your
example "ugly".  The note heads, for example, are perfectly spaced.  I
understand that you don't like the closeness of the stems, but if you
move that note over, it's going to disturb the proportionality of the
note heads, and I'm guessing it's going to look worse.  Have you
considered stretching the overall spacing in that bar?

Harm suggested the correct override to get better looking output. In commercial scores with this situation, the layout is as in the second bar below, with the down-stemmed note shifted to the right so that the notehead is no longer centred between the two noteheads in the other voice but is centred between the stems. Looks much better on the page like that:

\relative c'' {
    \time 3/4
        { r8 c4 c c8 r c4 c c8 }
{ a,4 a' a' a,, a' \once \override NoteColumn #'X-offset = #0.5 a' }


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