David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> writes:

> For those who are interested in my talk about LilyPond at the recent
> event in Chemnitz, the slides are at
> <URL:http://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/2012/vortraege/900>.
> Since my talks tend to do more than just reading off the slides, the
> impression may be rather sketchy.  I would guess that in a few days, the
> video and/or audio of the talk will get up as well, but you might be
> lucky and miss out on me starting off on performing the Agnus Dei as the
> wireless mic prudently chose to refuse assisting me in this endeavor.

And now the video recordings are online as well.  Same URL.

For those interested in the more hands-on details, I start talking about
some notational problems of the accordion at 16:00 (at which time
approximately I demolish the microphone with detrimental effects on the
sound quality of the talk), and there are a few measures of
semi-coordinated (usually I don't play this instrument standing up, and
not sight-reading from a laptop screen) playing and singing (old Bach,
avoiding copyright issues) at about 24:00.

I mention funding problems for my work at the end of the talk.  It turns
out that this month has dropped so far in one-time monetary
contributions compared to the rather slow uptake of regular
contributions that the minimal amount for being able to afford housing,
eating, and health insurance will likely be missed significantly.  So
I'll have to pitch in again from my private savings, and they are not
excessive.  If the situation does not rise to the level of at least bare
life support soonish, I will not be able to afford working on LilyPond
any more.  Read the gist of the story at
and successive LilyPond Report issues for my reports on the success of
my request.


David Kastrup

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