
I'm not much of a programmer, but to me this seems to be both a good idea and an easy one to implement. Here's how I'd do it, since [a] I don't program in Scheme at all, and [b] I do have some skills in Ruby:

1. Insert all comments in the source with a leading "%|". The second character is arbitrary, and is merely there to indicate that what follows is a documentation comment. Inserting the comment text is easy if one is using a programming text editor such as jEdit, which has the ability to do columnwise selections and insertions - you write the entire comment, THEN insert the leading "%|". Quite painless. 2. Format the comments, if desired, using some simple markup logic like Markdown <http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/>. 3. Write a simple text processing routine (I'd do it in Ruby), to be invoked when you wished to generate a new documentation file. It would read every line of the Lilypond source file, ignoring all but those which begin with the documentation text flag string - "%|", or whatever. It strips the flag string, and outputs the remainder of the line to a temporary text file, which is then processed by some routine that can process Markdown files. In the Ruby world, that would be the Bluecloth gem.

Hope this helps...

Tom Cloyd, MS MA
(435) 272-3332
St. George/Cedar City, Utah

On 05/19/2012 04:29 AM, Urs Liska wrote:
Hi list,

any ideas/experience on parsing lilypond input files for special comments and produce some documentation from it?

I would love to write editorial comments directly in the lilypond source.
Some script could then read these from the source and produce html or OpenDocumentText or some latex input file.

What could be a practical approach or language for this?
Are there solutions to build upon?


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