>>>>> "Nick" == Nick Payne <nick.pa...@internode.on.net> writes:

Nick> The example below builds without error and gives the output I
Nick> want.  However, if I include articulate.ly, then the output is
Nick> garbaged even though I haven't used \unfoldRepeats \articulate,
Nick> and I get the following warnings in the log:

That's because you have a two-note argument to \appogiature.  Use
\grace instead --- an appogiatura should only be one note.  Articulate
changes the default meaning of appoggiatura so the ornament steals
time from the principal note not the preceding note.  

Nick> /home/nick/lilypond/examples/test.ly:8:59: warning: already have
Nick> a beam \times 4/6 { a32[( g) fis( g) \appoggiatura { fis16 [ g]
Nick> } a32 g] } warning: cannot end slur warning: unterminated slur

Dr Peter Chubb                                  peter.chubb AT nicta.com.au
http://www.ssrg.nicta.com.au          Software Systems Research Group/NICTA

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