On 2012-04-07 20:33, Frank Steinmetzger wrote:
In the first score, the lyrics are put nicely close to the staff. But as soon
as the lower lyrics span across the space where the dynamic mark would be
without the offset, both lyrics seem to ignore the space that became available
by using the extra-offset.  Thus, the distance to the staff increases again.

Is that a bug?  Or am I making a mistake here?

As the internals documentation says, extra-offset is only applied AFTER all layouting has been done. The vertical spacing is still done with the original position. You can, however, override the *-position.


Reinhold Kainhofer, reinh...@kainhofer.com, http://reinhold.kainhofer.com/
 * Financial&  Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria
 * http://www.fam.tuwien.ac.at/, DVR: 0005886
 * LilyPond, Music typesetting, http://www.lilypond.org

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