On 30 March 2012 16:05, Gagi Petrovic <gagig...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear LilyPond users, the last few days I've been trying some vertical
> spacing (in v2.14.2 on OS 10.6.8) and somehow I can't seem to understand the
> mechanics of the spacing between systems as explained here. Even after
> copy-pasting the code and running it, I don't get the same results as in the
> example.
> It looks like page-limit-inter-system-space set to true gets ignored: my
> first page looks not-ragged while my last page is ragged (like in the
> default setting).
> Also using between-system-space = 1.5\cm seems to get ignored. Is this a bug
> or am I missing something?

You are using LilyPond version 2.14.2 but you read the doc version 2.12,
that's the point!

The vertical spacing system has been completely rewritten between 2.12
ans 2.14.  The mechanism is different and so is the syntax that should
be used.  Please see the doc version 2.14; read it carefully because
the new system is far more powerful, and also a bit more complex to
understand.  Don't hesitate to come back if you experience some
difficulties in using it.  In that case a minimal example of your code
would be useful.

The 2.14 doc about vertical spacing can be found here:
NR 4.1.4 Flexible vertical spacing \paper variables
and here:
NR 4.4 Vertical spacing


Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>

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