
On 27 March 2012 17:38, Michael Ellis <michael.f.el...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been collaborating with some other members of my choral group who've
> decided to learn LilyPond (more converts, hooray!) to help with transcribing
> individual parts.  For the OS X users, it was very easy to set up a folder
> in Dropbox that included the latest LilyPond.app bundle so I don't have to
> troubleshoot installation and version issues on their individual machines.
>  Works great so far.
> Now I'm getting inquiries from Windows users.   Is it possible to do the
> same thing for them, i.e. have a LilyPond Windows install self-contained in
> a Dropbox folder that they can just run with no other installation effort?
>  I really want to avoid spending time figuring out why things aren't working
> in Vista :-(

All my LilyPond files reside in a DropBox folder (if not the binary
itself) - this means no matter what machine I am on
(Linux/Mac/Windows) I can easily access all my files.

It works well, although on a slow network connection it can, depending
on the size of the .ly file and the resulting output - slow down the
compilation, perhaps by a few seconds my scores rarely go more than 8
pages. Because you are creating a few temp files (.ps for instance)
that then get deleted, Dropbox will still replicate the creation and
then replciate the deletion. However when I am doing lots of changes
you can 'pause' syncing very easily and then when you are all done and
finished, just resume sync and dropbox updates the most current files.

I cannot speak about Vista but Windows 7 works great.

Installing LilyPond in a dropbox folder is no different to say
installing it on the 'd' drive. What I am not sure of though is

You *might* need to set your path (or at least check it is set
properly) so that LilyPond can run


See 'running on the command line' half way down.



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