Hi Janek,

> \relative c'' {
>  r2 d4 g,8 g
>  c8 c c c b16 \melisma a b c b c a b
>  g16 fis g a g b a b c b c d c d b c
>  a4 \melismaEnd r r2
> }
> \addlyrics { For un -- to us a child is born, __ }
> should produce the same output as now.  The cool thing would be that this:
> \relative c'' {
>  \autoBeamOff
>  r2 d4 g,8 g
>  c8 c c c b16 \melisma a b c b c a b
>  g16 fis g a g b a b c b c d c d b c
>  a4 \melismaEnd r r2
> }
> \addlyrics { For un -- to us a child is born, __ }
> would produce automatic beaming inside the melisma.  Of course, it
> should be possible to turn this off.
> Is this acceptable to you?

Here's my opinion:

1. The default auto-beaming should produce scores which represent the current 
best practice in the engraving industry, which is to ignore lyrics (inside and 
outside melismas) and beam as if it were instrumental music.

2. \autoBeamOff should mean exactly that — no automatic beaming (inside or 
outside a melisma) — or the command could be confusing.

3. In order to achieve "old" (e.g., 19th Century Novello) conventions, there 
should be an *additional* or *different* switch that needs to be "turned on" by 
the user, e.g. \vocalBeaming.

It sounds to me like your solution would satisfy #1, but break #2.
Wouldn't #3 be acceptable to both of us, and less confusing all around (e.g., 
to new users)?

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