
I'm running in the GUI, not in Terminal, so I guess I'll have to close/clear 
the window manually - and learn to make less mistakes!
I have tried Frescobaldi, but I can't get it to run properly - I have issues 
with setting up the poppler stuff etc that I haven't been able to fix.  So I'm 
waiting patiently for someone with more skills than I have (which is just 
enough to be dangerous!) to build a OSX installer. (if anyone has any tips, let 
me know!)

On 19/03/2012, at 3:00 AM, Federico Bruni <fedel...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Il 18/03/2012 11:15, Adrian Oehm ha scritto:
>> Hi
>> I was wondering if there was a way of setting the message window (the
>> one that display compiling progress etc - sorry if I've not got the
>> right name) to clear itself each time a file is typeset.
>> Given my lack of proficiency, I tend to make lots or errors and so
>> end up with a long list of errors etc when I compile - and if I do it
>> a couple of times I can't find the start of the current message
>> easily.
>> I know I can close the window, but it'd be nice if there was a way of
>> it happening automatically :-)
>> I'm running 2.14 on Mac OS X 10.6.
>> TIA
> Hi Adrian,
> you are using a terminal, right?
> So you can hit Ctrl + L (at least on Linux, I have no experience with Mac) a 
> couple of times, then press arrow up and execute the command again. There 
> will be a gap between the last and the previous terminal output.
> Otherwise you can use an advanced editor, such as Frescobaldi, which 
> automatically cleans the console messages.
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