>>>>> "Malte" == Malte Meyn <malte.m...@studium.uni-erlangen.de> writes:

Malte> On 13.03.2012 03:52, Peter Chubb wrote:
>>>>>>> "Thomas" == Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@googlemail.com>
>>>>>>> writes:
Malte> Hm. I see two problems: 1. Did I understand right, that -"rall"
Malte> changes the tempo in a single step? That’s more like “subito
Malte> meno mosso” than “rallentando”, isn’t it?.  

Yes but it's as close as I can get wihtout a LOT more work.

2. \set
Malte> tempoWholesPerMinute doesn’t have any effect in the midi
Malte> output.  Is that a bug or a misunderstanding? I use Lilypond
Malte> 2.14.2-1 Linux 64.

It worked before feb last year.
Dr Peter Chubb                                  peter.chubb AT nicta.com.au
http://www.ssrg.nicta.com.au          Software Systems Research Group/NICTA

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