Hm, this works in my simple example. Thank you. However, it does not so for what I really want to do - sorry for having oversimplified. I just sent another example which is a snippet of the real score, employing two \DrumVoice contexts, and that might be the turning point: I read :
 "This context is a ‘bottom’ context; it cannot contain other contexts. "

Does this break my neck?


Quoting Eluze <>:

Am 12.03.2012 03:32, schrieb Uwe:
Dear lilypond people,

I have just started to use lilypond to set some drum scores. As I need to add a
few patches of backing vocals, I'd attempted to add extra (normal) staffs at
those places, however, lilypond seems to refuse doing that.
\score {
  \new DrumStaff<<
      \drummode {
           bd4 sn bd bd4<<
              { bd  bd8 sn sn4 bd }
              \new Staff { c8 d8 e8 f8 g4 c4 }>>

This produces an error like error: syntax error, unexpected STRING
              \new Staff {
                           c8 d8 e8 f8 g4 c4 } error: errors found, ignoring music expression

I suppose that either the \drummode or the \DrumStaff context do not allow this.
Is there a way to switch these contexts off locally?
Or is there anything else I could do to get this done ?

All good ideas or helping advices are welcome.
hi Uwe

no idea if an ossia with /normal notes/ is possible within a drum part.

maybe this is a workaround (which probably can or must be refined):

\score {
      \new DrumStaff \drummode {
      bd4 sn bd bd4
      bd  bd8 sn sn4 bd
    \new Staff \with {
          \remove Clef_engraver
          \remove Time_signature_engraver
        \relative {
          \stopStaff s4*4
          c8 d8 e8 f8 g4 c4



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