----- Original Message ----- From: "Kieren MacMillan" <kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca>
To: "Vaughan McAlley" <vaug...@mcalley.net.au>
Cc: "lilypond-user" <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 4:09 AM
Subject: Re: Sibelius user looking for the easiest way to learn LilyPond

Hi Vaughan,

Finale does automatic word extensions for lyrics.

Um… so does Lilypond.


Strictly, I don't believe it does automatic extenders - you need to add underscores to get them.

Anyway, I'm a reluctant Sibelius user (need to use it for college) and I find its inability to edit music a complete PITA. For example, I'd created a chord with 3 notes and then moved onto other notes. I then wanted to add a further note to the chord. Whenever I tried, it deleted the chord and replaced it with a note. The tutor and all the class could offer no better answer than to delete the chord and recreate it. There may be a way, but no-one knew it. Oh - and I'd entered some music which ran to 2 lines. I wanted it on one. I reduced the font size. No effect. I tried for at least 30 minutes before giving up. The way you edit in Sibelius is just so c**p. I don't edit directly into LilyPond (I use Noteworthy and convert) but anyone swapping to LilyPond must save time over Sibelius's arcane ways.

Phil Holmes

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