Hi Jonas, 2012/3/2 Jonas Olson <jol...@kth.se>: > Hi, > > I've come a cross an articulation mark that I don't find a way to > produce with Lilypond. In the attached image, they occur on "me" and > "long". It can be heard 13 seconds into > <http://manhattantransfer.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/03-Operator.mp3>. > > How do I do it? > > Regards > Jonas
some possibilities: \version "2.14.2" rotSc = #(define-music-function (parser location arg) (ly:music?) (set! (ly:music-property arg 'tweaks) (acons 'rotation '(25 0 0) (ly:music-property arg 'tweaks))) arg) rotTen = #(let ((m (make-music 'ArticulationEvent 'articulation-type "tenuto"))) (set! (ly:music-property m 'tweaks) (acons 'rotation '(25 0 0) (ly:music-property m 'tweaks))) m) rot = \once \override Script #'rotation = #'(25 0 0) %---Test upper = \relative c' { \key ees\major <ees g> <g bes> \breathe <g bes> <g bes>\rotTen | <f bes>8-\rotSc -- \rot <f bes>-- <ees aes>4\fermata s } lower = \relative c { \key ees\major \clef bass <bes bes'>4 <c ees'>\fermata \breathe <ees ees'> \xy <ees ees'>\tenuto | <aes, c'>2.\fermata } \score { \new PianoStaff << \new Staff \upper \new Staff \lower >> } HTH, Harm _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user