Is there a possibility of hiding MultiMeasureRest.
I am writing a Big Band Score and i am using

marks = {
        \set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-barnumbers
        \partial 8 s8
        R1*8 \mark \default \bar "||" %9
        R1*8 \mark \default %17
        R1*8 \mark \default %25
        R1*8 \mark \default %33
        R1*8 \mark \default %41
        R1*8 \mark \default %49
        R1*8 \mark \default \bar "||" %57
        R1*8 \mark \default %65
        R1*8 \mark \default \bar "||"  %77
        R1*8 \mark \default %85
        R1*12 \mark \default \bar "||" %97
        R1*8 \mark \default
        R1*12 \mark \default
        R1*7 %kraj
        \bar "|."

marks variable as sheme for bar lines and makrs.
Then after i combine voices as << \tenorSax \marks >>.
The problem is that if i would use \repeat unfold 8 { s1 } i wouldn't
get compressFullBarRests in separate voices. And \hideNotes does not
work either. I tryed the new patch for ly/property-init.ly but it
didn't help. It's like R1 is acting difrenet then r1.

Nesmotren govori kao da mačem probada, a jezik je mudrih iscjeljenje.
Izreke 12:18

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