I haven't tried this (silly, I know), but I will try tomorrow morning when
I get to work. I'm starting to think that it IS the viewer. Would the PDF
viewer actually affect the printout? I believe I was using Preview on the
mac. Has anyone else had difficulties with this particular program?

Thanks to all for your responses!

On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 8:40 PM, Nick Payne <nick.pa...@internode.on.net>wrote:

> On 29/02/12 06:42, Bryn Hughes wrote:
>> Hello, all.
>> I'm a musician and music theorist who has been back and forth to lilypond
>> over the past few years, and I've recently decided to make the effort to
>> learn lilypond thoroughly enough that it can become my main notation
>> software. I have a question that I hope is not too ignorant. I've searched
>> through the manuals and other online resources and can't seem to figure out
>> the answer. Here's hoping one of you experts has a solution.
>> I use both a Mac (at work) and a Windows machine (at home), and I've
>> noticed some subtle but important discrepancies when rendering PDFs with
>> lilypond on each of my machines. Specifically, I notice that when I render
>> the PDF on my iMac, the stems are misaligned with their respective
>> noteheads. I also notice that in some places the noteheads seem slightly
>> detached from the stems.  Conversely, on when I render the PDF in Windows,
>> the problem disappears. Instead, I find that my margins have been ignored,
>> and everything looks slightly larger.  Overall, I'd say that the rendering
>> on Windows looks much better, though it'd be nice to have full control of
>> formatting as well.
> If you create PDFs from the same ly file on both platforms using the same
> version of Lilypond, and view the PDFs on one platform, do they look
> different? i.e. Is the variation in the PDF viewer.
> Nick
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