Hello list,

I already sent this inquiry yesterday. Unfortunately it didn't appear in the 
list. Therefore I try it again. I hope this doesn't look like any kind of spam.

Lilypond calculates a very nice slope for the beams. But it fails when I add a 
staff change. What's wrong with my Lilypond code?

How can I convince Lilypond to add a slope or tweak it by myself? I would like 
to get a layout in the second measure with slopes similar to the first measure.


\version "2.14.2"

instrumentDrei = \relative c' {
  \clef treble
  r4 \times 4/6 { c'16 g e c g e }
  g,4\times 4/6 { c''16 g e c \change Staff=four g e } \change Staff=three |

instrumentVier = \relative c' {
  \clef bass
  \times 4/6 { g,16 e' g c e g } c4
  \times 4/6 { g,,16 e' g \change Staff=three c e g } c4 \change Staff=four

\score {
  \new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff=three { << \instrumentDrei >> }
  \new Staff=four { << \instrumentVier >> }

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