Hi Javier,

2012/2/24 J Ruiz <jav...@ruiz-alma.com>:
> Pls help typesetting command for these 19th cent notation: quarter-notes
> with reversed half-note heads.
> See attached image.
> Thanks! Javier

you should have post your version-number and I'm not sure if it's a
tremolo-notation or not (example-code would have clarified this).

Nevertheless, try:

\version "2.15.29"

customHeadStemOn = \override NoteHead #'stencil =
        #(lambda (grob)
          (let* ((st-at (ly:grob-property grob 'stem-attachment))
;;;; with version "2.14.2" comment in the following four lines
;;                 (acc (ly:grob-object grob 'accidental-grob))
;;                 (acc-pl (cond ((not (null? acc)) (ly:grob-parent acc X))))
;;                 (stem (ly:grob-object grob 'stem))
;;                 (stem-dir (ly:grob-property stem 'direction))

          (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'stem-attachment
                (cons (* -0.801 (car st-at)) (* 0.6 (- (cdr st-at)))))
;;;; with version "2.14.2" comment in the following two lines
;;          (cond ((and (ly:grob? acc-pl) (= stem-dir -1))
;;                 (ly:grob-set-property! acc-pl 'right-padding 1.3)))
          (grob-interpret-markup grob
                              (markup #:scale '(1.38 . 1.2)
                                      #:musicglyph "noteheads.s1solFunk"))))

customHeadStemOff = \revert NoteHead #'stencil

%---- test

\relative c' {
        eis'16 cis e [c]
        e16 c e [c]
        eis,16 cis e [c]
        e16 c e [c] |
        eis'16 cis e [c]
        e16 c e [c]
        eis,16 cis e [c]
        e16 c e [c] |
        \repeat tremolo 4 { e'16 c }
        \repeat tremolo 4 { e16 c } |
% With 2.14.2 there will be sometimes not enough space after a barline. Use:
%        \once \override  Staff.BarLine #'extra-spacing-width = #'( 0 . 1.5 )
        \repeat tremolo 4 { e,16 c }
        \repeat tremolo 4 { e16 c } |
        \repeat tremolo 4 { eis'16 c }
        \repeat tremolo 4 { e16 c } |
        \repeat tremolo 4 { e,16 c }
        \repeat tremolo 4 { e16 c } |


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