On 2/13/12 9:27 PM, "Nick Payne" <nick.pa...@internode.on.net> wrote:

>On 14/02/12 11:50, Carl Sorensen wrote:
>> On 2/13/12 3:13 PM, "Nick Payne"<nick.pa...@internode.on.net>  wrote:
>>> If I have a succession of fret diagrams above the chords on a stave,
>>> do I align the fret diagrams vertically. In the example below, the
>>> names at the top of all three fret diagrams are aligned vertically, but
>>> the fret diagrams for A and C have more space below the chord name and
>>> sit lower than that for G.
>> The easiest way is to use the FretBoards context, rather than adding the
>> fret diagrams as markups to notes.
>> See Predefined fret diagrams in Notation Reference 2.4.1 Common notation
>> for fretted strings for examples of the use of the FretBoards context.
>Ok, thanks. If I do that, one thing I can't figure out from the
>documentation is how to indicate a barre if I'm using an automatic fret
>diagram. For example, If I replace
>     \context ChordNames {
>         \chordmode {
>             a1
>         }
>     }
>     \context Staff {
>         \clef "treble_8"
><a, e a cis' a'>1^\markup {
>             \fret-diagram #"c:4-1-2;6-x;5-o;4-2-1;3-2-1;2-2-1;1-5-4;" }
>     }
> >>
>where the barre is specified with c:4-1-2, and use instead
>     \context ChordNames {
>         \chordmode {
>             a1
>         }
>     }
>     \context FretBoards {
><a, e a cis' a'>
>     }
>     \context Staff {
>         \clef "treble_8"
><a, e a cis' a'>
>     }
> >>
>Then how do I indicate the barre in the FretBoards context?

Add a oredefined fret diagram for the chord you are interested in.

See Predefined fret diagrams.




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