On 9 February 2012 04:50, Shevek <s...@saultobin.com> wrote:
> I'm used to seeing repeat barlines with "wings" (like in the picture I've
> attached). Is there a way to do this in Lilypond?
> http://old.nabble.com/file/p33290846/reapetbarsci9.png

Yeah, that would be nice.
You call it "wings" I think I call them "big ears", don't know why!  ;D

I can't remind somebody doing such request and find nothing related on
the LSR, in the doc or within the mailing lists archive, sorry.

I think you could ask for it as a new feature request on the tracker,
that would be one thing at least.


Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>

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