
On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 8:19 PM, mdspencer <phatm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Is there any way to attach a lyric text to a barline?
> When I use markup on a barline, it seems to place the text above the lyric
> track and spacing is calculated separately from the barline. Is there some
> way to make a barline us lyric text, use invisible notes to make it look
> like a lyric is centered under a barline, or something like this? I guess
> I'm not so concerned about it being in the lyric section so much as just
> appearing to be in the lyric line.
> Thanks for any tips.

Could you provide some sort of image of what of what you'd like to achieve?
 What is the text you'd like to center under the barline--is it a lyric
syllable displaced from an adjoining note? an extra syllable inserted
between texted notes?

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