Good to know! Thanks for the feedback. Also, I think I've fixed it so you
shouldn't have any firewall issues anymore. Give it another try.


Jan Terje Augestad wrote:
> Hi,
> A web-based editor is GREAT! I've wanted a web-based notation software for
> a years, and this is really perfect. This would definitely be my main
> editor if it met the following (very few) criteria:
> * Use of the latest stable release
> * Ability to open and save to hard drive or Dropbox (if you were able to
> create accounts which linked to a Dropbox account/folder, that'd be
> perfect)
> I use two different computers nearly every day, and it would be very nice
> to always keep the same setup on each computer. Not to mention being able
> to do quick projects on iPad. 
> This is a very exciting project, and I really hope you are able to
> continue to develop this into a stable release one day. I will gladly
> volunteer as a tester if you need it.
> Enthusiastically,
> JanTerje
> PS. I may add that I'm a very recent Lilypond convert, so I don't have
> more than a couple of months experience. 
> I had also the firewall issue, and wasn't able to preview or save
> anything.
> On 1. feb. 2012, at 10:51, trevordixon wrote:
>> I've been working on something I think the LilyPond community may find
>> very useful: a web-based editor. Before you check it out, keep in mind
>> that it's at a pre-alpha stage. It's likely that certain things won't
>> work as expected, and it will probably crash and be down at times. I've
>> only tested it in Chrome 15 and Firefox 9. It should work in Internet
>> Explorer 9 or 10, but will almost certainly not work in IE8 or earlier.
>> Saving will create a new URL that you can share with others. If they
>> save, it will be saved as a new revision, preserving your original.
>> This could be useful for:
>> Posting example code that you'd like others to look at and mess with.
>> Quick projects when you don't have access to your regular development
>> environment.
>> Perhaps as your main editor someday.
>> Future features might include:
>> Ability to open and save to your hard drive.
>> Ability to open and save to Dropbox.
>> Open to suggestions.
>> See it at:
>> Let me know how it works for you!
>> View this message in context: Experimental Web-based Lilypond Editor
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