
On 19 January 2012 21:32, m...@apollinemike.com <m...@apollinemike.com> wrote:
> On Jan 19, 2012, at 10:19 PM, Benedict Singer wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've been away from Lilypond for a while (I used it as a composer to set my 
>> pieces, and composition has taken a back seat for a few years). I just want 
>> to say that looking at the new features in 2.14 (and in 2.12 before that), 
>> it's incredible what everyone has done, so much thanks!
> Welcome back!
>> Alternatively, do I need to play games with stopping/starting staffs and 
>> reprinting clefs/key signatures? If so, how do I make it look exactly like 
>> the start of a new system (brackets, possibly instrument names, etc)?
> This is a fairly difficult job for lilypond to do - I'm not sure if there's 
> an issue on our isuse tracker open for this, but it's worth e-mailing the bug 
> list just to check.

There is a snippet here


Which I don't pretend to understand, but it looks like the main
problem here is to get the staff group half way across the page. This
seems to do that.

I am imagining then you could simply make this a '2 line' incipit and
just make the bottom incipit invisible and go from there.

It'd the kind of thing I had to admit I'd sit and play about with on a
boring saturday afternoon using the very limited syntax and cribbing
from scheme constructs I really have no clue about to see if I could
get something similar.



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