Well, the OS X version I have of lilypond I have is version 2.14.2-1.  I used 
to use lilypond on my debian box, so I myself am more accustomed to the 
CL-based interface.  I would hope there was some way of running it that way on 
OS X (?).  I think I may have converted it to 2.14.2 just now, but I'd have to 
re-download the original and see if there was a version statement in the 
main.ly file.

---- David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote: 
> <mr...@nc.rr.com> writes:
> >> ---- David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote: 
> >>> <mr...@nc.rr.com> writes:
> >>> 
> >>> > Is this a case of version mismatch?  All I can find so far is that the
> >>> > files were posted to Mutopia in December of 2009.
> >>> 
> >>> Have you tried running
> >>> 
> >>> convert-ly -ed
> >>> 
> >>> on the files?
> >
> > I think so--I'm using the version for Mac OS X, and there's a menu
> > option under "Compile" that says 'update syntax'.  I suppose this
> > accomplishes the same thing?
> I think there has been more than a single version for MacOSX, and you
> are apparently using some GUI wrapper.  Most of the people on this list
> won't be using one, and if they do, chances are that they are using a
> different one on a different operating system.
> So if you are intent to get useful advice, it might be worth posting
> some lines of what you are working with.
> Also if your GUI has some option "update syntax" with the suspected
> meaning, at least I have no idea which files would actually get an
> update, and what would be done in case the files contained no version
> statement.  Again, without actual examples from the presumably converted
> files, it is hard to tell.
> And then you don't specify either the version of LilyPond you have
> installed, or the version declared inside of the files (if any), whether
> before or after syntax conversion.
> -- 
> David Kastrup
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