On 1/14/12 4:09 PM, "Christopher R. Maden" <cr...@maden.org> wrote:

>I am working on a four-part choral score with piano accompaniment.  A
>simplified version is attached.[*]
>The vocal score looks great.  Stems are in different directions for the
>different voices, exactly as I want.
>However, I would like the piano score, based on the exact same music
>objects, to combine the voices into chords and single notes as
>appropriate, and I can¹t seem to figure out how to flatten the voices
>together.  I¹ve tried various invocations of \oneVoice, but they don¹t
>seem to do anything.

This is the job of \partcombine.

\partcombine is much more capable in the development version than in the
stable version.  If I were you, I'd give a try with both the stable and
development to see which will work better for you.



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