Morten Jagd Christensen <> writes:

> However I get an "unknown escape string" for \fret while compiling.
> Anyone have an idea what Im doing wrong?

How about reading the error messages?

> Here is the example code if you comment out the last line you can see
> the kind of fret diagram I am
> working on.
> \version "2.14.0"

Is that the version you are using?

> fretsc = #(define-music-function (parser location s1 )
>                      (string?)
> #{
> \markup{\override #'(fret-diagram-details . (
>                    (finger-code . in-dot)
>                    (number-type . arabic)
>                    (label-dir . -1)
>                    (orientation . landscape)
>                    (dot-radius  . 0.5)
>                    (fret-count . 5)
>                    (top-fret-thickness . 5)
>                    (barre-type . straight)
>                    (xo-padding . 0.3) )) {
>         \fret-diagram-verbose #'(
>                                    $s1
>                                  )
>       }
>     }
> #})

A sequential music expression (which is what is in #{ ... #} in version
2.14.0) can't be a markup.  Now in the current development version, #{
\markup ... #} will indeed work fine, but of course, it returns a
markup, and a music function still can't return a markup.  Either way,
this does not fit.

> ddd =  \markup{\override #'(fret-diagram-details . (
>                    (finger-code . in-dot)
>                    (number-type . arabic)
>                    (label-dir . -1)
>                    (orientation . landscape)
>                    (dot-radius  . 0.5)
>                    (fret-count . 5)
>                    (top-fret-thickness . 5)
>                    (barre-type . straight)
>                    (xo-padding . 0.3) )) {
>         \fret-diagram-verbose #'(
>                                  (place-fret 5 3 1)
>                                  (place-fret 4 5 2)
>                                  (place-fret 3 5 3)
>                                  (place-fret 2 5 4)
>                                  (place-fret 1 3 5)
>                                  (place-fret 1 4 6)
>                                  )
>       }
>     }
> \score {
>    \new Staff {\relative c' {  a'^\ddd b c d  }}
> }
> \fretsc "(6 3 1) (5 3 2)"

I have no idea what you are expecting here.

> ... and here are the errors:
> Processing `/Users/mjc/Desktop/all music/noder/snippets/'
> Parsing...
> <string>:2:0: error: syntax error, unexpected \markup

Well, this is the \markup in an unexpected place.  It tries skipping

> \markup{\override #(quote (fret-diagram-details (finger-code . in-dot)
> (number-type . arabic) (label-dir . -1) (orientation . landscape)
> (dot-radius . 0.5) (fret-count . 5) (top-fret-thickness . 5)
> (barre-type . straight) (xo-padding . 0.3))) {
> <string>:3:8: error: unknown escaped string: `\fret'

And tries looking for music again.  It arrives at \fret-diagram-verbose
and since in music, escaped strings don't contain -, it stops after
\fret.  Which it does not find convincing.

>         \fret-diagram-verbose #(quote (lilyvartmpbg))
> /Users/mjc/Desktop/all music/noder/snippets/ error:
> errors found, ignoring music expression
> \fretsc "(6 3 1) (5 3 2)"
> success: Compilation successfully completed

By the way: can you switch off the HTML mail you are generating in
addition to the normal mail?  It is useless baggage.

David Kastrup

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