Hello When a voice splits in two voices, and then go back together, I usually use
<< { \voiceOne ... } \new Voice { \voiceTwo ... } >>Although this makes a good output (check block 3 in the attached image), it makes quarter pauses to go up after this block.
I tried some combinations of stemUp/stemDown, voiceOne/VoiceTwo but I can't get a good one. One the voiceOne/voiceTwo render correctly, but it is the only that messes with the placement of pauses after it.
I can tweak some of the previous blocks (1 or 2) forcing stems and slurs to go up or down, but I do not think that's the better approach.
So, I am missing something. What? :) Thank you. Alberto
<<attachment: voicesVsStems.gif>>
\version "2.14.0" \relative c' { \key d \major \clef treble \time 2/4 cis8 r e\noBeam << { a8\( | d[ e] d4\) cis8 b4. | a8[( b] b4) } \new Voice { \voiceTwo fis8 | a[ b] a4 fis8 d4. | e4 d } >> | cis8 r e\noBeam << { \stemUp a8\( | d[ e] d4\) cis8 b4. | a8[( b] b4) } \new Voice { \voiceTwo fis8 | a[ b] a4 fis8 d4. | e4 d } >> | cis8 r e\noBeam << { \voiceOne a8\( | d[ e] d4\) cis8 b4. | a8[( b] b4) } \new Voice { \voiceTwo fis8 | a[ b] a4 fis8 d4. | e4 d } >> cis8 r cis r \bar "|." }
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