2012/1/11 Shevek <s...@saultobin.com>:
> Francisco Vila wrote:
>>> \global = {
>>>     % stuff
>>> }
>> should be
>> global = {
>>> \guitar = {
>> should be
>> guitar = {
>>>     % stuff
>>>     <<
>>>         \context ChordNames = "chords" \with {
>>>             alignAboveContext = "Guitar"                 % commenting out
>>> this line solves the error
>>>         } \chordnames {
>> should be
>> } \chordmode {
> Yes indeed. I noticed those typographical errors in my post soon after
> posting, and, as you can see, edited the post to fix them. I apologize for
> not proofreading carefully enough. Typos aside, the errors are still
> occurring as I described in the original post, and they are not caused by
> typos. I'd appreciate any input on this.

With the typos corrected and some content inside braces I obtain no
errors or warnings. Here is, the corrected code for clarity and a
sample of what do I obtain from it.


global = {
    % stuff

guitar = {
    % stuff
        \context ChordNames = "chords" \with {
            alignAboveContext = "Guitar"                 % commenting
out this line solves the error
        } \chordmode { g
            % stuff
            % stuff
    % stuff

\score {
        % stuff
        \new StaffGroup = "Rhythm" <<
            \new Staff = "Guitar" << \global \guitar >>
        % more stuff
    \layout {}


Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
www.paconet.org , www.csmbadajoz.com

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