On Sun, 08 Jan 2012 13:32:14 +0700
Michael Pozhidaev <m...@altlinux.ru> wrote:

> Yes, it's almost sad. Although I don't know is it really convenient
> way to write additional separate dynamics marks. maybe it is not so
> bad idea to have one more entire file for midi only, where dynamics
> are written among all notes.

Maybe you don't need a file, but you may want a separate Dynamics
object or two.  I tried making nice sounding Lilypond files recently.
My approach is to have a separate Dynamics object with hidden dynamics
text.  I can put Dynamics marks before the place where they appear in
the score.

Here's the latest example:

If you put Dynamics objects above voices in the midi section, they
affect the first note.  If you put them below voices, the first note is
too loud.

I believe Lilypond should be able to generate much better MIDI files
with less tweaks. The infrastructure is there.  We can specify how every
note looks, so we should be able to specify how every note sounds.

Pavel Roskin

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