On 06/01/12 19:33, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
Good idea, thanks, but this completely prevents alignment of dots.
No no, dots in a chord, within one voice, are still aligned.

Remember that dots are not supposed to be aligned between separate
Interesting.  However, if the dots' distances are not too far away
from the stem, the excellent Bärenreiter edition of the Bach Chaconne
*does* align them, even if they are in different voices.  Note that
this is a manually engraved edition from 1959 or so.

LilyPond is wrong to align dots from different voices, but doing so
helps her handle the cases where note-heads collide between
opposite-stemmed voices.

If you are still working on the Bach Partita, then to my eyes
Dot_columns for each voice gives a *much* better result.
Moving the engraver to the voice context gives rise to a new set of problems:

\version "2.15.23"

\score {
    \new Staff {
        \relative c'' {
                { <a e'>4. }
                { <g cis,>4. }

\score {
    \new Staff {
        \relative c'' {
                { <a e'>4. }
                { <g cis,>4. }
    \layout {
        \context {
                \remove "Dot_column_engraver"
        \context {
                \consists "Dot_column_engraver"

<<attachment: test.png>>

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