
 I've been trying to set the music to In the bleak mid-winter by Harold
 ( 100 Carols for Choirs ) and I have the following problem:

The first verse is accompaniment and Soprano, 2nd Verse is SATB and third
verse is Tenor solo followed by 4th verse SATB. I am using \new Lyrics
"sopranos" etc to enter the Lyrics. In the 2nd verse, though it is SATB, we
only one lyrics line, the one for soprano. When we the third verse, \new
Lyrics \lyricsto
"tenors" places the 3rd verse in the tenor line of the 2nd part, which is
with only the lyric line for sopranos. I have to make it skip about 18
bars.  Now \skip
does not work in \lyricsto, and this agrees with the documentation. I don't
seem to be able to
combine  \lyricmode, which, obeys \skip and then follow it with \new Lyrics
\lyrics to.
I was not successful with \new Lyrics { \lyricmode {s1*18 \tenorwords} }
because the syllables in \tenorWords
last 1 bar each. Is there way to give a 'blank syllable' and use \lyricsto ?

Thanks Sebastian Canagaratna
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