On 5/01/2012, at 7:28 am, Benjamin Bruce wrote:

> \version "2.12.2"
> {
>       <c' a>4 <e' c'> <g' e'> <b' g'> << { b'1 } \\ { g'4( f' e'2) } >>
> }
> \addlyrics { 
>       Ex -- cel -- lent Thy name! % The last word does not appear
> }

The problem is that the double backslash automagically creates _two_ new 
voices; you only want one, with the other being a continuation of the original 
voice.  The solution is to create the new voice explicitly:

        <c' a>4 <e' c'> <g' e'> <b' g'> << {\voiceOne b'1 } \new Voice { 
\voiceTwo g'4( f' e'2) } >>
\addlyrics { 
        Ex -- cel -- lent Thy name! % The last word does now appear

(The \voiceOne and \voiceTwo don't affect the lyrics, only the note stems.)

> The music I am typesetting is four-part harmony

In that case, personally, I'd write it as four parts rather than as chords. 

Best wishes,
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