Laura Conrad <> writes:

> I believe that the attached file contains one partial and three full
> measures, with measures ending on the barchecks.
> Lily seems to disagree.  She says:
> lilypond
> GNU LilyPond 2.15.23
> Processing `'
> Parsing...
> Interpreting music... 
> warning: barcheck failed at: -1/2
>         r2 
>              | R1. | R1. |  r2 r2     g'
> warning: barcheck failed at: 1
>         r2 | 
>                R1. | R1. |  r2 r2     g'
> It's probably my not understanding something about how \partial is
> supposed to work, but I'd appreciate an explanation, especially since
> the PDF file generated from this lilypond is difficult to read, in that
> the r2 after the second R1. is squished into the measure with the
> R1. and is difficult to see.
> \version "2.12.3"
> \header{
>   title = "Demonstration of badly spaced R1." 
> }
> \score{
>   <<
>       \context Staff="default"
>       {
>         \time 3/2
>         \partial 1
>         r2 | R1. | R1. |  r2 r2     g'
>       }
>       >>
>       \layout {
>       }
> }

>From the manual:


    Partial or pick-up measures, such as an anacrusis or upbeat, are
    entered using the `\partial' command, with the syntax

    \partial DURATION

    where `DURATION' is the rhythmic length of the remaining interval of
    the current measure before the start of the next.

I repeat: the length of the _remaining_ interval of the current
measure.  So you need \partial 2 here.

David Kastrup

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