On 1 January 2012 06:12, Carl Sorensen <c_soren...@byu.edu> wrote:
> Note that the Internals Reference (2.2.65 Mark_engraver) indicates that you 
> need
> to move the Staff_collecting_engraver as well in order to have the mark show 
> up
> in the right place.

If you have a look at the attached .ly file you'll see that he did it.

> Mark engraver to the Staff context then manually go through and override it's
> visibility on each staff as needed, but this strikes me as extremely tedious,
> and if the process can be automated, that would be a great help.

Actually I do not see anything wrong in Nick's input.
The output is not what is expected with a "correct" input.  I would
tend to consider it as a bug.  Not related to \RemoveEmptyStaves though,
but because it seems a StaffGroup cannot handle a "Mark_engraver"
(or the bug is in "Staff_collecting_engraver" also).

> If the idea above doesn't help, you might try adding the Mark_engraver to 
> Staff
> in a layout block, along with setting RehearsalMark visibility to #'(#f #f #f)
> (or #'all-invisible).  Then, in the staves for which you want to have 
> rehearsal
> marks, set the visibility to #'(#t #t #f) (i.e. visible at beginning and 
> middle
> of lines, but not at end).

That's tricky.
The idea to add "Mark_engraver" to the StaffGroup is more logical and
should work, IMHO.


Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>

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