Am 30.12.2011 08:02, schrieb Keith OHara:
Xavier Scheuer <x.scheuer <at>> writes:

On 19 December 2011 09:38, C.Flothow <mini-Flo <at>> wrote:
I had read all that and I still don't see anything there that helps 
with my problem!
Isn't that an instance of issue #1410 ?

No, the difficulty here is that the main notes (for violin) were not
set to be the upper voice (\voiceOne) during the cue notes.
Chris missed the fact that in the manual pages that James linked to,
the music/rests in parallel with the cueing music are put *inside* 
the final argument to \cueDuring.  That is how LilyPond knows to use
\voiceOne temporarily for the main music :

\version "2.14.0"
Viola = \relative c' { \key g \major
  s2 r4 d8. c16| b4 b a8. g16 a4| g2| }
Violin = \relative c'' { \key g \major 
  \cueDuring #"viola" #DOWN {R1*2| r4 g} 
  d' d } 

\addQuote "viola" \Viola
\new Staff \with { instrumentName = #"Violin" } \Violin

Simplifying what Chris had,
 \new Staff \with { instrumentName = #"Violin" } <<
   \new Voice \killCues \Violin  
   \new Voice \cueDuring #"viola" #DOWN {s1*3} >>
the spacer rests were set to avoid the CueVoice, but the main Violin 
part was left without anything to specify whether it should be upper 
or lower voice.  Cue voices can be tricky to understand, isn't it?

lilypond-user mailing list

Thanks for this. Running your snippet gives the following 2 lines the first of which is acceptable but the second definitively isn't:

I'll try and figure out what happens why in your example. (I've tried to understand it with the help of the docs but I think that will take some further time.)

Meanwhile: I've used Harms (thomasmorley65 <at>; Thank you!) suggestion which is not optimal (because I had to add the part     "\once\override Voice.Rest #'staff-position = #0" into the Violin-file where it doesn't belong) but it's easy and both the violin sheet and the printed score look like they should.


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