
2011/12/26 James <pkx1...@gmail.com>:
> This looks like
> http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=1698
> James

as a work-around you may want to use (or better abuse) \repeatTie and
\laissezVibrerTie, tweaking them.

atest-07.ly is your tweaked example. This file includes
shapeSlur_rev.ly with definitions and functions to tweak Slur, Tie,
PhrasingSlur, RepeatTie and LaissezVibrerTie.

\version "2.14.2"

\include "shapeSlur_rev.ly"

%-------- test
test = \relative c'' {
        c4 a b c ~ 
        \repeat volta 2 { 
        c a\( b  c ~ 
        \alternative { 
        	{ c2\) r4 c\laissezVibrer } 	
        	\shapeLaissezVibrerTie #'(0 0.4  -0.7 0.7  -4 0.8  -5 1)
        	c2\repeatTie\laissezVibrer r } 

\new Staff \test
% http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Snippet?id=639 :
% http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2007-08/msg00539.html
% http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2009-09/msg00495.html
% thanks, Neil and David!!

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Slur -----------------------------------------------------
#(define ((alter-curve offsets) grob)
   ;; get default control-points
   (let ((coords (ly:slur::calc-control-points grob)))
     ;; add offsets to default coordinates
     (define (add-offsets coords offsets)
       (if (null? coords)
         (cons (+ (caar coords) (car offsets))
               (+ (cdar coords) (cadr offsets)))
         (add-offsets (cdr coords) (cddr offsets)))))

     (if (null? offsets)
         (add-offsets coords offsets))))

#(define ((shape-slur offsets) grob)
   (let* (
          ;; have we been split?
          (orig (ly:grob-original grob))
          ;; if yes, get the split pieces (our siblings)
          (siblings (if (ly:grob? orig)
                        (ly:spanner-broken-into orig) '() ))
          (total-found (length siblings)))
     (if (>= total-found 2)
         ;; shape BROKEN
         ;; walk through siblings, find index in list
         ;; and apply offsets from list of offsets:
         (let loop ((n 0))
                   (if (eq? (list-ref siblings n) grob)
                       ;; return altered:
                       ((alter-curve (list-ref offsets n)) grob)
                       (if (< n total-found)
                           (loop (1+ n))
                           ;; end of list -- none found?!
                           ;; return defaults:
                           ((alter-curve '()) grob))))
         ;; shape UNBROKEN
         ((alter-curve offsets) grob))))

shapeSlur =
#(define-music-function (parser location offsets)
    \once \override Slur #'control-points = #(shape-slur $offsets)

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Tie -----------------------------------------------

#(define ((alter-Curve offsets) grob)
   ;; get default control-points
   (let ((coords (ly:tie::calc-control-points grob)))
     ;; add offsets to default coordinates
     (define (add-offsets coords offsets)
       (if (null? coords)
         (cons (+ (caar coords) (car offsets))
               (+ (cdar coords) (cadr offsets)))
         (add-offsets (cdr coords) (cddr offsets)))))

     (if (null? offsets)
         (add-offsets coords offsets))))

#(define ((shape-tie offsets) grob)
   (let* (
          ;; have we been split?
          (orig (ly:grob-original grob))
          ;; if yes, get the split pieces (our siblings)
          (siblings (if (ly:grob? orig)
                        (ly:spanner-broken-into orig) '() ))
          (total-found (length siblings)))
     (if (>= total-found 2)
         ;; shape BROKEN
         ;; walk through siblings, find index in list
         ;; and apply offsets from list of offsets:
         (let loop ((n 0))
                   (if (eq? (list-ref siblings n) grob)
                       ;; return altered:
                       ((alter-Curve (list-ref offsets n)) grob)
                       (if (< n total-found)
                           (loop (1+ n))
                           ;; end of list -- none found?!
                           ;; return defaults:
                           ((alter-Curve '()) grob))))
         ;; shape UNBROKEN
         ((alter-Curve offsets) grob))))

shapeTie =
#(define-music-function (parser location offsets)
    \once \override Tie #'control-points = #(shape-tie $offsets)

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PhrasingSlur -------------------------------------------
shapePhrasingSlur =
#(define-music-function (parser location offsets)
    \once \override PhrasingSlur #'control-points = #(shape-slur $offsets)
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% RepeatTie and LaissezVibrerTie -------------------------
#(define ((alter-semi-curve offsets) grob)
   ;; get default control-points
   (let ((coords (ly:semi-tie::calc-control-points grob)))
     ;; add offsets to default coordinates
     (define (add-offsets coords offsets)
       (if (null? coords)
         (cons (+ (caar coords) (car offsets))
               (+ (cdar coords) (cadr offsets)))
         (add-offsets (cdr coords) (cddr offsets)))))

     (if (null? offsets)
         (add-offsets coords offsets))))
shapeLaissezVibrerTie = 
#(define-music-function (parser location offsets)
          \once\override LaissezVibrerTie #'control-points = #(alter-semi-curve $offsets) 
shapeRepeatTie = 
#(define-music-function (parser location offsets)
          \once\override RepeatTie #'control-points = #(alter-semi-curve $offsets) 

%------------------- Test: Slurs -----------------------------------------------
\version "2.13.28"
\relative c'' {              
        \set Staff.instrumentName = "Slurs"
  \once \override Slur #'color = #green
  \shapeSlur #'(
    ;; make them funny enough:
    (0 0  1 3  0 4  0 0)
    ;; shorten a bit:
    (2 0  2 0  0 1  0 0))
  c4( b \stemUp <d d'> \stemNeutral c
  a4 d c b)
  \once \override Slur #'color = #blue
  \shapeSlur #'(
    (0 0  1 3  0 4  0 0)
    (0 -7  -1 -9  0 -9  0 -4)
    ;; do not touch:
    (2 0  2 0  0 1  0 0))
  c4( b \stemUp <d d'> \stemNeutral c
  a4 d c b
  a4 d c b
  a4 d c b)
  % shape unbroken:
  \shapeSlur #'(0 -3  1 1  1 2  0 -3)
  c4( b \stemUp <d d'> \stemNeutral c)

\paper {
  indent = 20
  ragged-right = ##t

\header {
  tagline = ""

%-------------------- Test: Tie ------------------------------------------------

\version "2.13.28"
\relative c'' {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = "Ties"
  \once \override Tie #'color = #red
  \shapeTie #'(
    ;; make them funny enough:
    (0 0  0 5  0 7  0 0)
    ;; shorten a bit:
    (2 0  2 0  0 1  0 0))
  c1 ~ \break

%-------------------------- Test: PhrasingSlur ---------------------------------
  \relative c'' {
          \set Staff.instrumentName = "PhrasingSlurs "
  \once \override PhrasingSlur #'color = #green
  \shapePhrasingSlur #'(
    ;; make them funny enough:
    (0 0  1 3  0 4  0 0)
    ;; shorten a bit:
    (0 0  2 0  0 1  0 0))
  c4\( b \stemUp <d d'> \stemNeutral c 
  a4 d c b\)
  \once \override PhrasingSlur #'color = #blue
  \shapePhrasingSlur #'(
    (0 0  1 3  0 4  0 0)
    (0 -7  -1 -9  0 -9  0 -4)
    ;; do not touch:
    (0 0  2 0  0 1  0 0))
  c4\( b \stemUp <d d'> \stemNeutral c 
  a4 d c b
  a4 d c b
  a4 d c b\)
  % shape unbroken:
  \shapePhrasingSlur #'(0 -3  1 1  1 2  0 -3)
  c4\( b \stemUp <d d'> \stemNeutral c\)

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