On Dec 19, 2011, at 11:14 PM, David Nalesnik wrote:

> Hi all,
> Working with overrides of nested properties, I run into an interesting 
> problem.
> Both overrides of 'color produce the same result, but the override of 
> 'bound-details set to the lambda expression does nothing.  I've noticed this 
> with other attempted overrides of nested properties such as 'bound-details 
> 'left 'padding.
> (My example is pretty silly, but it's as simple as I can make it.)
> \version "2.15.16"
> \relative c'' {
>   \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text = #(lambda (grob) "hi") 
> % doesn't work
>   %\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text = #"hi"
>   %\override TextSpanner #'color = #red
>   \override TextSpanner #'color = #(lambda (grob) red)  %works
>   c\startTextSpan d e f\stopTextSpan
> }
> Is there a detail of syntax I'm getting wrong here, or is this a limitation 
> of \override?

Hey David,

It's a limitation of override.  You'd have to override bound-details with a 
function and then build the entire a-list.  Unfortunately, nested-properties do 
not evaluate functions for overrides.

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