"Andrew Wood" <awoo...@comcast.net> writes:

> I am receiving lily pond questions and answers.  I do not wish to have
> these emails sent to me anymore. How can I remove my email address
> from the list?

You'll find the list server address in the footer of each mail.  And if
you ask your mail reader to show you the full headers of the mail,
you'll also find

List-Unsubscribe: <https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/options/lilypond-user>,

Which is pretty much par for the course for mailing list servers, so it
might be a good idea to look at headers and footers of list mails you
don't wish to receive further.

You also should have received a mail with basic instructions (including
how to unsubscribe) when you first subscribed to the list.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

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