Hi all,

Thanks to David (and my $pon$or$hip), you can also use tags.  =)


ou can also 
On 2011-Dec-14, at 17:05, Xavier Scheuer wrote:

> On 14 December 2011 20:21, Damian leGassick <damianlegass...@mac.com> wrote:
>> Hi David
>> thanks for the quick reply
>> the to-end-of-line function is half way there, but if I modify your example
>> to \repeat unfold 17 there is only one staff after the line break
>> what I'd like is for both staves to remain until the end of the score.
>> I know that in a simple example it's just as easy to add spacers but I've
>> got a number of complex musicological examples where the trial and error
>> involved in determining exactly what spacer values to use is proving very
>> time consuming
> Hi,
> If you know which voice is the longest and if you use variables for
> the voices, then you can use  skip-of-length longestVoiceVariableName .
> %%%%
> \version "2.15.21"
> shortestVoice = \repeat unfold 8 e'1
> midLengthVoice = \repeat unfold 16 d'1
> longestVoice = \repeat unfold 24 c'1
> \score {
>  <<
>    \new Staff = "shortest" {
>      <<
>        % in order to keep alive the staff (with spacer rests)
>        $(skip-of-length longestVoice)  % 2.15.21 syntax
>        % #(skip-of-length longestVoice)  % 2.14.2 syntax
>        \shortestVoice
>    }
>    \new Staff = "midLength" {
>      <<
>        % in order to keep alive the staff (with spacer rests)
>        $(skip-of-length longestVoice)  % 2.15.21 syntax
>        % #(skip-of-length longestVoice)  % 2.14.2 syntax
>        \midLengthVoice
>    }
>    \new Staff = "longest" {
>      \longestVoice
>    }
> }
> %%%%
> Cheers,
> Xavier
> -- 
> Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>
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