On 8/12/2011, at 9:28 am, Dirkjan Ochtman wrote:

> Here's what I've currently got:
> \score {
>   \new ChoirStaff <<
>     \new Staff = women <<
>       \new Voice = "S" {
>         \voiceOne << \global \repeat volta 2 \Sa \Sb >>
>       }
>       \new Voice = "A" {
>         \voiceTwo << \global \A >>
>       }
>     >>
>     \context Lyrics \lyricsto sstart \womena
>     \context Lyrics \lyricsto sstart \womenb

    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "S" { \womena \womenc }
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "S" { \womenb }

>     \new Staff = men <<
>       \clef bass
>       \new Voice = "B" {
>         \new Voice = "B" {
>           << \global \B >>
>         }
>       }
>     >>
>   >>
> }
> This has gotten somewhat muddled as I tried a few things, but I think the 
> gist of it should be clear? Here \Sa and \Sb are the first (to be repeated) 
> and second part of the melody, for the sopranos, as named \relative c'' {} 
> sections. \womena, \womenb, \womenc are \lyricsmode {} sections, where 
> \womena and \womenb should share the same melody (i.e. the repeat) and 
> \womenc should be set to the second part.

Assuming the variables with the notes and words are correctly defined, I think 
the only change needed is to the \lyricsto expressions, as indicated.

Best wishes,

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