Le Dec 7, 2011 à 9:12 PM, Craig a écrit :

> Hi,
> I am working on a large score (choral symphony).  When I include my tuba
> part I am getting a segmentation fault.  What does this mean?
> Wouldn't segmentation have to do with a memory issue?
> Craig Bakalian

Hey Craig,

A segfault usually means that there's a bug in the program.  If you e-mail 
bug-lilyp...@gnu.org with a minimal example attached, they should be able to 
help you out.  By minimal example, I mean shave your score down until you find 
where the error is coming from.  For example, if you just use the tuba part, 
does it segfault?  Does the segfault occur when other parts are present?  If 
you make the tuba part smaller, does it still occur?  The smaller the example 
is, the more likely the problem will get solved soon.

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