On 8/12/2011, at 7:20 am, Peter Jaques wrote:

> Does anyone know if there is a way to pass options to lilypond from 
> lilypond.app? Otherwise I guess I'll have to dive all the way into getting a 
> new editor set up and everything... Wow, I haven't used Vim since 1999! ;)

I've been using TeXShop as my lilypond editor for a while now.  And yes, I 
edited the engine script to include 
'-I/Users/myUserName/Library/LilyPond/includes' as an option, so that a couple 
of my own files that I often use can be included from anywhere without long 
(and machine-specific) paths in the source files.  (Replacing 
'/Users/myUserName' by '~' doesn't seem to work in this context; I'm not sure 

It does seem odd that LilyPond currently has no standard paths for 
installation-specific includes: I would have expected at least one system-wide 
one (somewhere in /usr/local or /usr/share on a generic UNIX, somewhere in 
/Library on OS X) and one user-specific one (somewhere in ~/Library on OS X).

Best wishes,

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