On 12/03/2011 02:05 AM, James wrote:

On 3 December 2011 06:55, Paul Scott <waterho...@ultrasw.com <mailto:waterho...@ultrasw.com>> wrote:



    Should the positioning of \tempo over notes be different than over
    whole rests?
    If so, can I make the second behavior like the first?

    \version "2.15.20"

    \relative c'' {
     \tempo "text over notes" c1 c c c \break
     \tempo "text over whole rest(s)" R1*4 c1 c c c c c c

Something like

\version "2.14.1"

\relative c'' {
 \tempo "text over notes" c1 c c c \break
 r1^\markup { "text over whole rest(s)" } R1*3 c1 c c c c c c

although that doesn't quite give you the 'proper' R1 positioning.


I would normally put the \tempo information in a global. One shouldn't have to write special code for the extracted parts depending on whether they have full measure rests or notes at the location of the tempo indication.

How do other people solve this problem?

see some snippets in


That link takes me to the whole document without taking me to the place you had in mind.



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