On 28/11/11 11:04, Xavier Scheuer wrote:
Dear LilyPond developers,
Dear Bug Squad members, could you add this enhancement request to
the tracker? Thanks!
This is by far the most popular enhancement request from the French
users mailing list: Bar numbering of repeat volta _alternatives_.
Currently LilyPond counts the measures of each "alternative" as
normal, unrepeated, measures hence incrementing the currentBarNumber
in both alternative "1." and "2.". Several references supports what is
actually asked by many users: bar numbering of alternatives should not
be counted twice.
I do not know what say music engraving books like Ross, Read or Gould
but here is what says Jean-Pierre Coulon in his "Repository of
music-notation mistakes" or "Essay on the true art of music engraving":
"When first ending-second ending measures are present, measure numbers
of only the first ending measure act on the numbering. If necessary,
corresponding measure numbers have the subscripts a and b."
Gould says (p.237):
"Some editions duplicate first- and second-time bar numbers" (and she
then shows first and second alternatives with the bar numbers repeated
with the addition of an a or b, as indicated above). She further says:
"In ensemble music, it is best to number consecutively through separate
endings, to avoid confusion when counting bars during rehearsal."
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