Shevek <> writes:

>     Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
>     Try enabling guile's debug mode. A while ago, the debug mode was
>     turned off in lilypond, because it adds some performance penalty.
>     But without debug mode, guile does not print out line numbers for
>     scheme errors. We have recently enabled debug miode again. For
>     your score, you can try adding #(debug-enable 'debug) to the top
>     of your score. If that does not help, add (debug-enable 'debug) in
>     scm/lily.scm of your lilypond installation. That should get you
>     line numbers for the error to track down the area of the problem 
> Aha, line numbers are indeed progress. However, the line numbers for
> the error are in some lilypond library file, so that's unhelpful in
> tracking down the problem. Here's the relevant part of the compile
> messages: 
> /usr/local/lilypond/usr/share/lilypond/current/scm/lily-library.scm:210:5: In 
> procedure ly:book-process in expression (process-procedure book paper ...):
> /usr/local/lilypond/usr/share/lilypond/current/scm/lily-library.scm:210:5: 
> Wrong type (expecting pair): ()
> The error message is at the very end of the debug output.

The above does not mean much more than that a Scheme error occured while
Lilypond processed your document.  Which would likely be the end of a

You say "The error message is at the very end of the debug output".  So
what other output is there?

David Kastrup

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