Hey Mike,
here's one, that splits up strings to columns. So its the other way
round than your bonus point part. But it should save typing, because
\markup \column { foo bar } \markup \column { who what } \markup \column
{ hello world }
turns to
\cols { "foo bar" "who what" "hello world" }
\version "2.14.2"
#(define-public cols (define-music-function (parser location lyrics)
(lambda (m)
;; catch every Lyric Event
(if (equal? (ly:music-property m 'name) 'LyricEvent)
;; set text to column markup using string-split
(and markup->string for safety)
(let ((syl (string-split (markup->string
(ly:music-property m 'text)) #\ )))
(ly:music-set-property! m 'text
(make-center-column-markup syl)) ; you might want to use another one
like make-column-markup
\relative c'' {
c2 b a
} \addlyrics {
\cols { "foo bar" "who what" "hello world" }
Am 23.11.2011 15:17, schrieb m...@apollinemike.com:
hey all,
i have a lot of lyrics in a row where i need them to appear as :
\markup \column { foo bar } \markup \column { who what } \markup
\column { hello world }
To avoid typing the markup command every time, I'd like to do:
\command #"foo" #"bar" \command #"who" #"what" \command #"hello" #"world"
I'm having trouble figuring out how to implement this as a music
function that'll work in the Lyric context - any suggestions?
For bonus points, what I'd love is:
\command #"foo who hello" #"bar what world" that'd automatically split
out /n/ lyrics in column form, each containing 2 lyrics a piece
(/n/ being 3 in this example).
Why not just use
\new Lyrics \lyricmode { foo who hello }
\new Lyrics \lyricmode { bar what world }
Well, I'm sure, you have good reason.
HTH and cheers,
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