I'm using lilypond source code in render frames in a Scribus two column layout to put short two bar single stave exercises at a dozen or more to the page. The render frames are horizontally aligned and of the same height, but the problem I haven't been able to solve is that of getting the staves in the left and right columns to align horizontally. Setting top-system-spacing #'padding to the same value in left and right column scores and turning #'stretchability off doesn't align the staves, it aligns the highest part of what is in each short score. What LP code can I use to get the staves themselves to align, rather than the highest part of the notes?

Here's an example of the LP code in one of the render frames. Keeping everything the same except the notes doesn't keep the left and right staves aligned. I realise that once I have the notes in I can fiddle the top-system-spacing #'padding value for one of the staves until they're pretty much aligned, but with multiple pages with up to eight of these pairs on each page, that's something I'd rather avoid if possible.

\version "2.15.16"

\language "english"

\include "/home/nick/lilypond/guitar.ily"

\paper {

ragged-last = ##f

top-system-spacing #'padding = #2

top-system-spacing #'stretchability = #0


\relative c' {

\override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f

\set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-numbers

\override Staff.TupletNumber #'stencil = ##f

\override Staff.TupletBracket #'stencil = ##f

\clef "treble_8"

\repeat volta 2 {

\mark #7 \bar "|:"


{ \fl \sfu \sfsst

\times 2/3 { c,8 <g'-\I > <e'-\A > e, <g-\I > <c-\M > c, g' e' e, g c } |

\times 2/3 { b, g' <f'-1> d, g <d'-4> g,, g' f' b,, d d' } |



{ \fl \sfd

<c,-\P >4 <e-\P > c e |

<b-2> d <g,-3> b |





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