Graham Percival <> writes:
> On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 10:43:46PM -0500, wrote:
> > As far as I can tell, the only tool to notate "unmetered"
> > music  is the \cadenzaOn,\cadenzaOff pair of tags.
> > Am I right about this, or are there other ways?
> Proportional notation?  maybe as well as manually scaling
> distances with *15/16 and stuff like that?

Okay, the syntax I am using in my example:

       #'base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1 16)

is an example of proportional notation, no?  If not,

> >   Ideally, there should be no time signature here but
> >   as far as I can tell, Lilypond requires that all
> >   "compositions" begin with a time signature.  Is this true,
> >   even for music with no meter?
> No.  Remove that engraver.  Examples in the manual and in LSR.

Thanks; at
I found the syntax:

    \new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }


and that did remove the time signature.

Unfortunately, the two systems are _still_ not proportionally identical?

Can someone direct me  on how to make two more systems exactly
proportionally identical?

Thanks!  Appended is what I have so far.

\version "2.12.2"
\include ""

#(set-global-staff-size 19) % Default is 20

  #(set-paper-size "letter")

  left-margin =  5\mm % Default is 10\mm
  line-width = 200\mm

  print-page-number = ##f
  print-first-page-number = ##f

\score {

  \new PianoStaff <<

  \new Staff = "up" \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
    \clef treble


    \change Staff = "down"
                        g,1  a,1  b,1
    c1   d1   e1   f1   g1   a1   b1

    \change Staff = "up"
    c'1  d'1  e'1  f'1  g'1  a'1  b'1

    c''1 d''1 e''1

    \bar "" % Reference, pg. 48

    \change Staff = "down"
                        g,1  a,1  b,1
    c1   d1   e1   f1   g1   a1   b1

    \change Staff = "up"
    c'1  d'1  e'1  f'1  g'1  a'1  b'1
    c''1 d''1 e''1


  \new Staff = "down" \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
    \clef bass
                                s1-"G" s1-"A" s1-"B"
    s1-"C" s1-"D" s1-"E" s1-"F" s1-"G" s1-"A" s1-"B"
    s1-"C" s1-"D" s1-"E" s1-"F" s1-"G" s1-"A" s1-"B"
    s1-"C" s1-"D" s1-"E"

    \bar "" % Reference, pg. 48

                                s1-"G" s1-"A" s1-"B"
    s1-"C" s1-"D" s1-"E" s1-"F" s1-"G" s1-"A" s1-"B"
    s1-"C" s1-"D" s1-"E" s1-"F" s1-"G" s1-"A" s1-"B"
    s1-"C" s1-"D" s1-"E"


   \layout {

    indent = 0.0
    \context {
       \override SpacingSpanner
       #'base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1 16)

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